- Description
Gone are the days when only a student’s academics were important for his success. These days, more than grades, a person’s communication skills are analyzed by the recruiters. Not only in employment, but good communication skills will also help a person in every domain of their life. If a person is good with his words, he can talk anyone into doing what he wants. If you look around yourself, you will find many people with extraordinary academic records but will lag behind others when it comes to communication skills. Most of them blame on their academic methods for their fear of public speaking. Hence, it’s high time that we make the necessary amendment in modern teaching methods and prepare the students at a young age to face the world outside.
Communication Skills and Academics go hand in hand
If you picture an archetypical classroom of the early 2000s, you can imagine a teacher, blackboard and fifty students in one room. A teacher is giving sermons while most of the students pretend to be listening to them. Whatever lessons the teacher is delivering, they are important for them without any doubt. But students these days are drawn to enjoyable things more than obligatory ones. All we can do is change the method of teaching for good.
The competition outside is real. The employers no longer look for candidates only with an impressive academic background. The way a person communicates plays an important role in landing their dream job. Though debates and speech activities in schools help the student overcome their fear of public speaking, their weak vocabulary and lose grip on the English language pulls them back.
Art of Becoming a Great Conversationalist: How to Become a Pro at Communication
- Don’t listen to respond. Instead, listen carefully to what the person is saying and strive to get more about him/her through the communication.
- Adopt proper posture while talking. Don’t fold your arms or shake your legs while talking. Such gestures suggest that you’re being nervous or defensive. Maintain eye contact while talking.
- It is advised to over-communicate when you’re discussing new ideas. People tend to grasp a lot lesser than what they’re conveyed. Hence, over-communication is the key.
- Don’t rely overly on visual aids for communications. It is true that graphical representation of things can make information easier to be accessed. But over-reliance on visual aids can hinder communication. FYI: Steve Jobs banned PowerPoint Presentations at Apple to start having real conversations.
- Mention the key points at the beginning and the end of the communication. Audience’s attention span is very short regardless of how good a speaker you are. Thus, you have to reiterate the important points in the beginning and at the end of the conversation.
- Follow the PIP format; Purpose, Importance, and Preview. It is important for the speaker to first state the purpose of the communication, then share the importance of the presentation and lastly the preview of the topics that will be discussed in the conversation.
- To become a perfect communicator and to excel in your professional life, one has to start really young with English. English is an important and unavoidable part of our life since it’s the most widely accepted language in the world. No matter where your occupation takes you, you’re going to take help from the tools of English for communication. Hence, it is in the best interest of the students as well as the educational institutions to introduce English Language Lab to their organization.
Catch Them Young: English Language Lab Hones Student’s Communication Skills at an Early Stage
Thankfully, the curriculum in educational institutes is changing for the better. Hence, many organizations are investing in English Language Lab to hone a student’s communication skills right from a young age. These setups work on the idea of learning a second language like we learn our mother tongue. It focuses on ‘listening’ to a foreign language, then ‘speak’ followed by’ read’ and ‘write’.
The language courses are also self-paced which enables students to learn with the pace they’re comfortable with. There will be no rush to complete a chapter within a stipulated time, providing enough time for students to absorb knowledge.
There are many organizations that provide English Language Lab solutions to educational institutes. Some of the popular names are Sanako, Dexway, Globus, iTell, etc. English Language Lab software also requires hardware like Interactive Flat Panel Display or Interactive Whiteboard, PC, Sound Speakers, Mini PCS, etc which is also offered by the vendors mentioned above.
The importance of the English language cannot be mitigated even if we want to. Over the past few years, it has become an increasingly important language. Hence, no matter how good or bad your academics are, you’re expected to be fluent in English in terms of speech and thoughts. English Language Lab solutions are one way to prepare the kids for the future.
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